Senior Care News

It’s Not Easy to Say Goodbye to a Beloved Pet

Senior Care in Oakwood GA

People who own pets know the emotional connection they build with those small animals over time. In Senior Care in Oakwood GAthe United States there are tens of millions of pet owners who would do anything they had to to not just protect their beloved animals, but to help them get better and avoid saying goodbye.

For any senior relying on care, whether it’s provided by a family member or a professional senior home service, it might seem more reasonable to give up a particular pet, whether it’s a dog or cat, simply because they are having more difficulty taking care of themselves.

One of the most reasonable assessments or assumptions family members can make about an elderly loved one who has a cat and begins to have difficulty tending to their own basic care is they need to put that animal up for adoption. June is Adopt a Cat Month, and just because the senior is having difficulty getting around on their own, relies on a professional caregiver to prepare meals, be driven to doctor’s appointments, and even remind them when it’s time to take certain medications, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have to give up a beloved pet.

Medium to larger size dogs can certainly be problematic for elderly individuals. Even the most well behaved and well-trained animals could become over excited, enthusiastic, or even hyper when the senior returns home, when they get up and walk to another room, or when the animal catches a sense of something else outside. It can be very difficult for the senior with limited strength and mobility to control an animal of significant size.

Cats and small dogs, on the other hand, are great animals that provide numerous benefits to seniors. Research studies have indicated time and time again just how beneficial it can be to have a small animal. It can help to lower stress and anxiety, reduce emotional distress and feelings of loneliness, and it can even help to lower blood pressure. Those are all serious health considerations people have as they get older.

So just because an aging loved one may be dealing with a variety of health and physical issues at the moment, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have to give up their beloved pet right now. When talking to them about caring for the animal, discuss professional senior care services. When they realize a caregiver may be able to help, it can encourage them to pay attention to these services much more.

The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your senior care needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable services in Oakwood, GA and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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