Senior Care News

Immunization Awareness Month is the Time to Talk Senior Health

Senior Care in Buford GA

August is National Immunization Month. As such, it is the perfect time to talk to the whole family about the importance of getting required and recommended vaccinations.Senior Care in Buford GA

Because there is a tendency to associate shots with childhood, many older adults are deficient in some vaccination areas. For seniors, staying current on shots is of the utmost importance. In fact, since August is Immunization Month, it is a good time to address this issue.

What Does Immunization Mean?

Immunization is the entire process that people undergo to become protected from diseases. A vaccination shot is a primary way of achieving immune status. A physician or nurse administers a shot, or injection, that contains a small amount of the disease organisms. The body, believing itself sick, fights hard to kill off the dangerous substances. Now on the alert against the chosen sickness, the body remains resistant to its later appearance.

Why Should Seniors Get Immunized?

Seniors are more highly susceptible to getting sick than the young. Bodies tend to weaken over the years, losing the ability to fight off diseases naturally. Immunization plays a role in proper senior care.

Here are some of the afflictions fought off by contemporary immunization injections:

·        Influenza

·        Shingles

·        Tetanus

·        Whooping Cough

·        Pneumonia

How to Begin the Discussion About Immunization with an Aging Parent

It may be awkward to talk about immunization with an aging parent. At times, the presence and support of an elder care professional might be needed. So, do not be afraid to ask for assistance.  Here are some things to do to make starting the discussion easier:

·        Do not be accusatory

·        Lead by example – get shots first

·        Make the doctor visit a family affair

·        Speak in a calm tone

·        Explain the health benefits of immunization

·        Explain the dangers of failing to get vaccinated

·        Show them the adult immunization schedule

Enjoy a Healthy August

National Immunization Month should not be a downer. In fact, it is a time Americans should celebrate. People should be thankful that modern medicine has produced and made widely available vaccines to stave off so many illnesses. Past generations would love to have had such comprehensive protection.

Use this opportunity and all the information available on the web to talk to aging parents about the benefits of immunization. Also, check with their elderly care professional to ensure safety before taking any shots.

The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable senior care services in Buford, GA and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.


Valerie Darling

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