Senior Care News

Should My Aging Mom Get Out More?

Elderly parents are often faced with limited mobility as their bodies succumb to chronic pain, disease, illness, and more. While they may need a little extra help around the house, that doesn’t mean they want to stay there all the time. Isolation and loneliness are very common in aging moms and dads that depend on family caregivers and elder care providers to assist them. One of the best ways to boost a senior’s quality of life is to regularly plan activities they enjoy.

Elder Care in Gainesville GA: Should My Aging Mom Get Out More?
Elder Care in Gainesville GA: Should My Aging Mom Get Out More?

Obstacles to Senior Activity.

In their younger years, most seniors were fit, healthy, and able to drive themselves to numerous activities that interested them. They usually attended fun events with their children, spouse, or friends. With age, however, their abilities and their companions changed, leaving them more lonely and bored than ever before. Family caregivers and elder care providers can change all that.

When seniors can no longer perform daily tasks for themselves, they depend on elder care providers to help out with dressing, cooking, housekeeping, and pet care. Usually by the time seniors need this level of help, they are no longer able to drive, restricting their social activities. Elder care providers can step in and be the drivers and companions that seniors need to stay active and engaged.

Planning Activities for Aging Adults.

Family caregivers need to take many things into account as they make outings with their aging relatives a priority. The first is to assess the ability and needs of their loved one. How long can they walk or stand? Do they need an assistive device like a walker? Does the venue have sufficient shade and restrooms? Is the senior even interested in this particular event? How far is it to travel to the venue?

Getting answers to these and other questions can help family caregivers and elder care providers choose some wonderful activities and enjoy themselves without too much stress. Even if some inconveniences arise, it’s still a good thing for seniors to get out whenever they can.

Outing Ideas for Aging Adults.

It’s hard to choose from all the interesting activities that are available. Almost all aging adults and their elderly care providers would enjoy visiting a museum or art gallery, farmer’s market, or craft fair. Other outing ideas include sporting events, zoo, aquarium, mall, historic area of town, local tourist attractions, factory tours, local parks, and even state and national parks nearby. Aging parents can even join an art class, dance class, craft class, music class, or a class on any number of topics.

Any obstacles they face, from transportation to mobility, can be overcome by having an elder care provider at their side. Not only do these professionals help around the house, but they can be companions and chaperones for the aging adult. It’s so positive for elderly parents to get out and about in the community, both physically and mentally. Family caregivers should make every effort to help their aging parents get out more.

The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable elder care in Gainesville, GA and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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