Senior Care News

Home Care-Four Facts About Older Americans That You Cannot Ignore

Who wants to think about their parents aging and needing help?
No one does. But, ignoring it won’t stop it from happening. Instead of delaying tough talks and decision making, families should have an open discussion about the care their parents may already need but be afraid to admit is necessary.

Home Care Services in Cumming GA: Senior Care Information
Home Care Services in Cumming GA: Senior Care Information


To have this discussion, you should look at four facts about older Americans. If any of this is true for your mom or dad, it’s time to arrange home care services.


-Three Out of Four Americans Aged 65 or Older Have More Than One Chronic Condition

Chronic conditions range from high blood pressure to arthritis. Out of every four senior citizens, three have two or more chronic conditions. These health issues often require prescription medications and changes to diet and exercise routines. For a senior citizen, it can be a lot to manage alone.


-Malnutrition is a Concern in the Aged

According to Aging Research, around 3.7 million American elderly suffer from malnutrition. Health issues may prevent a senior from eating healthy meals. A senior citizen with arthritis may struggle to prepare meals due to the pain when holding knives and other kitchen tools. A full pot can be too heavy to lift off a burner. Limited finances, lack of transportation to reach stores, and medication side effects are other causes.


-Around 5.7 Million Americans Already Have Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is terrifying. The number of cases is expected to double by 2050. It is a fatal disease, and medications do little more than slow the symptoms. Once diagnosed, most people have less than one decade of life left.

As Alzheimer’s progresses, the things a senior cannot manage requires live-in assistance. Memory loss is just the start. A person with Alzheimer’s will lose bladder and bowel control, the ability to swallow, and eventually be unable to handle any personal care on his or her own.


Falls Are the Leading Cause of Injury in Those 65 or Older

The National Council on Aging reports that 25 percent of Americans aged 65 or older falls at least once in a year. Those falls are a leading cause of injuries, including fatal injuries. Fall prevention is essential for every senior. Exercises that strengthen muscles and help with balance are important, but so is home designs that lower the fall risk.

How do you arrange home care for your parents? It’s easy. Pick up the phone and call a home care professional. That expert will go over everything you need to know.


The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable Home Care Services in Cumming, GA, and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.




Valerie Darling

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