Senior Care News

Is There Anything You Can Do about More Frequent Bruising?

Your senior’s skin becomes thinner as she ages and the layer of fat beneath it also thins, making bruises far more likely to happen. Bruises can be painful for your senior and they can make her uncomfortable when she goes out in public. Even if you can’t prevent them completely, there may be some things you can do to make them less likely.


Caregiver in Flowery Branch GA: Senior Bruising
Caregiver in Flowery Branch GA: Senior Bruising


Make Sure You Address the Bruising with Her Doctor

When your senior is bruising more often, talk with her doctor. There may be changes to her health or there may be side effects from her medication that are causing more frequent bruising. Unfortunately, there may not be anything that can be done differently, especially if the bruising is a result of medication side effects. Your only option may be to help her to avoid bumping herself more than she absolutely has to during the course of a day.


Put Grab Bars up in Strategic Locations

Grab bars are a fantastic solution if your senior is clumsier than usual or stumbling more often. There are lots of places around the house where you can add grab bars, starting with the bathroom. Places like the shower or tub and around the toilet are key areas for grab bars. You might also want to add them in areas like hallways, where there might be a lot of empty space and no furniture for her to use to catch herself.


Look for Obstacles and Other Hazards

If your senior’s home has a lot of different hazards or obstacles for her to bump into, that can be a huge problem when it comes to avoiding bruises. Rearranging furniture and clearing pathways can help quite a bit. There are other possible solutions, too, like adding protective pieces to corners and edges of sharper furniture.


Consider Hiring Elder Care Providers

Very often bruising is made worse by other situations, like your senior’s mobility being compromised. Elder care providers have experience helping seniors to navigate their home, even with mobility issues. They can help her to avoid situations that can create more bruising than she’s already experienced. It’s even possible for them to take over tasks and activities that are likely to cause bruising for your elderly family member.

You may not be able to prevent all bruising for your elderly family member, but you can take some steps that might help to reduce it at least a little.


The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable Caregivers in Flowery Branch, GA, and surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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