Senior Care News

How Do You Avoid Quitting Your Job and Being a Family Caregiver?

You like your job, but your dad needs care. To save money, you’re planning to help him with his care needs. How do you avoid quitting your job while also being your dad’s carer? Is it possible to do both?


Home Care Services Buford GA: Family Caregiver Tips
Home Care Services Buford GA: Family Caregiver Tips



The average age of a family caregiver is 49. This means most family caregivers are around 15 years short of retirement age. At the same time, family caregivers spend an average of 3.5 hours per day on care tasks. On top of an 8-hour workday, that’s a lot to handle. There are ways to make it work.


Can You Work From Home?

If your job allows you to, can you work from home? If you can work from home at all, you can help your dad and work while he naps or watches a movie. You may not get as much work completed as you would on a full workday, but it’s better than missing an entire day.


Talk to Your Management

Ask your management if you could work later at night or come in early to make up for the hours you miss one day. If it’s possible, it can ease a lot of the stress you feel by having to be with your dad a day or two each week. Many employers are willing to work with employees who are balancing family care and work.


Rely on Adult Day

Adult day programs were developed to ensure people who need more supervision, such as Alzheimer’s, are with professionals all day. You drop off your dad at the adult day program and pick him up at the end of the day. If the hours aren’t long enough, you can have caregivers drive him to and from an adult day program and stay with him until you’re home.


Share Duties With Other Family Members

Work out a schedule with other family members so that everyone is chipping in. On your days with your dad, you could do some work and provide his care at the same time. If you don’t have a job that enables you to work from anywhere, you could make up that missed day on the weekend or by going in an hour or two early each day you are at work.


Add Professional Elderly Care While You Work

When you’re working, professional caregivers can come to your dad’s house and assist him with ADLs and IADLs. Caregivers can do the housework, remind him to take medications, escort him to appointments, and prepare meals. That’s just a small sample of the elderly care services available to him. Call an elderly care specialist to discuss prices.


The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable Home Care Services Buford, GA, and surrounding areas. Call (770) 965.4004 for more information.



Valerie Darling

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