Senior Care News

Skin Care Tips That Ease Dry, Itching Skin

If your parent’s skin is dry and itching, it’s important to get it under control. It can be a sign of a skin condition like rosacea or eczema. Neither is dangerous, but a doctor should diagnose it and come up with a treatment plan. It could just be dry skin. If your mom or dad scratch and break the skin open, there is a risk of infection.


Homecare in Buford GA: Skin Care Tips
Homecare in Buford GA: Skin Care Tips


Dry skin is more prone to cracking open and becoming inflamed. It’s important to take care of the skin and lower the risk of it becoming dry. These skin care tips will help.


Switch the Soap or Body Wash

What kind of soap or body wash is your mom or dad using? If it’s a cheap bar soap or has a strong fragrance, it’s more likely to dry the skin. An unscented soap or body wash is better. Natural ingredients that eliminate chemicals also help. One that contains a moisturizer like coconut milk is also beneficial to dry skin.


Stop Taking Hot Showers

If your mom or dad likes hot baths and hot showers, it’s important to cool things down. Hot water dries the skin. Warm water is ideal. The time spent in the shower should be limited to 5 or 10 minutes.


Blot Dry Rather Than Rub

Instead of rubbing the skin after a shower, the towel should be used to blot the skin dry. Use an unscented, natural moisturizer after drying to trap in any moisture that the skin cells absorbed in the shower.

Look for moisturizers that cling to the skin. Ingredients that will help are coconut oil, jojoba oil, lactic acid, lanolin, olive oil, and shea butter. Mineral oil and petroleum may also be used if the skin isn’t sensitive to those ingredients.


Pay Attention to Ingredients That Irritate Skin

Your parent’s skin may be sensitive to certain ingredients. Pay attention to common irritants and stop using them if you notice a rash or irritation after using a lotion or balm with that ingredient. For example, some people find that products with parabens or citrus oils are irritating.

When doing the laundry, use unscented, hypoallergenic detergents and fabric softeners. Your mom should skip using body sprays and perfumes. Your dad needs to choose a shaving cream that isn’t irritating. He should also skip aftershaves and colognes.

Maintain a consistent skincare routine with your parent. If your mom or dad has a hard time with personal care, consider caregivers. The caregiver could help your parent shower, dry off, and apply skin lotion to all of the body. Call to learn more about caregivers, pricing, and services.


The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable Homecare in Buford, GA, and surrounding areas. Call (770) 965.4004 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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