Senior Care News

Are You Overcommitting Yourself?

There’s so much to do as a caregiver and you’re likely on the go all the time. But are you saying yes to activities and tasks that you know you don’t have time to handle? That’s more common than you might think and there can be some simple fixes for that problem.


Elderly Care in Gainesville GA: Are You Overcommitting Yourself?
Elderly Care in Gainesville GA: Are You Overcommitting Yourself?


Buy Yourself Some Time

When someone asks you to add something new to your calendar or to your list of responsibilities, try not to answer them right away. Let the person know that you need time to think about what you can do or that you need to check your schedule. Those aren’t bad reasons to defer an answer and they buy you time to think more about what you can do without being under pressure.


Think Before You Say Yes to Something Else

You asked for and got some time to think, so do just that. Do take out your calendar or your planner and see what else you have going on. When you look at what’s already on your to-do list or your calendar, how do you feel? If you’re already feeling pressured and out of time, that’s a sign that you need to say no to whatever new obligation has popped up.


If Yes Is the Right Answer, Then Go for It

There are times when it’s important that you do say yes, for whatever reason. That’s not inherently a bad thing. What you’re trying to do by training yourself to stop and to think is to assess whether this really is something that can fit into your already-packed life. This gives you the opportunity to really look at what you’re committing to instead of randomly overcommitting yourself.


Look for Ways to Free up Your Time and Your Energy

It’s very likely that what you need to do now is to find ways to free up both energy and time so that you can continue to say yes to the things that matter and say no to the things that you just can’t do. That requires you to balance out your commitments and it might also mean that you need some help. Elder care providers can help with your caregiving workload and that may be exactly what you need the most.

Overcommitting is a problem for a lot of people, not just caregivers. In the past, you might not have realized as much that you were agreeing to too many obligations because your time and energy weren’t in as much demand as they are now.


The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable Elderly Care in Gainesville, GA, and surrounding areas. Call (770) 965.4004 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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