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The 5 Most Common Signs of Malnutrition In Seniors

Home Care Assistance in Duluth GA: It is estimated that more than 10% of seniors who are living at home are malnourished. Home care assistance can help.
Home Care Assistance in Duluth GA
Home Care Assistance in Duluth GA

Did you know that estimates are that more than 10% of seniors who are living at home are malnourished? Even seniors who eat regularly can be malnourished, because they aren’t eating the right foods.

Seniors who live independently may become malnourished because they have a hard time cooking healthy meals. They also may not be able to shop regularly for fresh fruits and vegetables or other healthy foods. Seniors who live alone may avoid eating meals because it makes them feel lonely to eat alone, so they just get by on snacks.

Home care assistance can help if you are worried that your mom or dad isn’t eating enough or isn’t getting the right nutrition. With home care assistance your mom or dad will have help from a care provider that can cook and eat meals with them, encouraging them to eat. Home care assistance also means that your mom or dad will have help with cleaning up dishes, shopping for healthy food, and learning more about the foods they should be eating.

Be on the lookout for any of these five common signs of malnutrition in seniors. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time for home care assistance:

Unintentional Weight Loss

One of the most common signs that your mom or dad isn’t eating enough is unexpected weight loss. This can happen even if your senior parent hasn’t changed their eating habits, if they aren’t getting the nutrients they need. Losing weight without trying could indicate malnutrition or a medical issue, so it’s something that should be checked out by a doctor. Your mom or dad could have an underlying medical problem that is making it tough for them to eat.

Fatigue and Weakness

If your senior parent seems tired all the time, that could be due to poor nutrition and hunger. They may lack energy for daily activities. If simple tasks like walking or climbing stairs become difficult, this could be a sign of malnutrition.

A great way to combat fatigue and weakness is to make sure that your mom or dad is eating small meals or snacks throughout the day. That can prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that can cause fatigue. Cheese and crackers, oatmeal with fruit, and sliced veggies are all great snacks for your mom or dad.

Changes in Appetite

If you observe that your senior parent no longer enjoys food, they could be heading for malnutrition. They may skip meals or eat smaller portions. This change in appetite can be due to various reasons, including depression or illness. Your mom or dad could be not wanting to eat meals because they are lonely. Try to drop by for dinner a few nights each week, and get home care assistance so they have someone to share meals with each day.

Poor Wound Healing

If your senior parent has cuts or bruises that take a long time to heal, this could indicate malnutrition. Nutrients are essential for healing. A lack of vitamins and minerals can slow down recovery. If your mom or dad has a condition like diabetes that makes them prone to wounds it’s very important to keep an eye on how those wounds are healing.

Dry Skin and Hair

You might notice that your senior parent’s skin looks dry or flaky. Their hair may also become brittle or fall out more than usual. These changes can be signs of nutritional deficiencies. Healthy skin and hair only happen if your mom or dad is eating a healthy diet and getting enough vitamins and minerals everyday.

If you or an aging loved one needs home care assistance in Duluth, GA, call Home Care Matters. We can answer your questions about home care and help you learn more about options for care. Call today (770) 965-4004.

Valerie Darling

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