Alzheimer’s Care Makes Caregiving Easier for Worried Families
Seniors who are dealing with Alzheimer’s disease as it progresses encounter some specific challenges on a daily basis. Their family caregivers also face some unique situations, and they often worry a lot about their aging family members as their Alzheimer’s disease gets worse. Working with Alzheimer’s care services can do a lot to greatly reduce […]
8 Tips to Help Seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease Get Dressed
Alzheimer’s disease disrupts a person’s ability to do all sorts of daily activities that were once easy, like getting dressed. The cognitive and physical changes that come with Alzheimer’s disease make it difficult for seniors to make decisions, follow steps in a process, and coordinate their movements. Personal care at home can help with these […]
Effective Strategies To Prevent a Senior with Dementia from Wandering
When a senior is dealing with memory-related challenges, they are at an increased risk of wandering. This doesn’t mean they go for a stroll and keep going because they feel like it. It means they become disoriented, maybe while they were out, or they thought they were in the wrong place and were trying to […]
How Can Families Talk about 24-hour Home Care with Seniors?
When it’s time to start talking about 24-hour home care services for aging adults, the situation can feel tricky for family caregivers. There are a lot of things to consider and seniors may have some strong feelings around accepting help, even if they know they need it. Approaching the conversation properly can help a lot. […]
Is It Time For Your Senior To Stop Driving?
Many seniors choose to age in place, which can be good for their overall well-being. However, if you notice signs that your loved one should stop driving, you may be worried about them aging in place. There comes a time in someone’s life when they may have to give up the keys to their car. […]
How Does Age Impact Brain Health?
As seniors age, brain health is a bigger issue than ever before. The real question is whether aging impacts brain health and the answer to that question can vary depending on a variety of factors. If seniors do start to experience cognitive health issues, Alzheimer’s care providers can offer a lot of support to make […]
Maintenance and Home Safety Keeps Seniors in Their Homes
It’s common knowledge that many seniors wish to remain independent in their homes as long as possible. While home care and a family support system usually focus on the health and safety issues of the seniors themselves, it’s also important to assess the safety of the home as a whole. Consider the following key maintenance […]
Distinguishing Between ADLs and IADLs for Aging Adults
As seniors grow older, they may find it more difficult to keep up with the tasks that support daily life. These tasks have specific names and categories that families need to understand. ADLs and IADLs are different classifications of how well seniors can function, specifically in terms of being as independent as they want and […]
What Do Family Caregivers Need to Know When Visiting Aging Adults?
Visiting seniors at home involves many different layers of interaction. First, there’s simply the social aspect of visiting an aging loved one. But it’s also important for family caregivers to ensure that they’re noticing problems and helping seniors to solve them. Home care assistance can make this much easier for seniors and the people who […]
Three Areas Your Loved One Might Need Help with if She Has Arthritis
Simply put, arthritis is joint inflammation. While there are many different types of arthritis, the symptoms are fairly common – pain, redness, heat, and swelling of joints. It may not be life-threatening, but it can hinder many daily living life skills, making it difficult to function from sunrise to sunset. With treatment and certain adjustments, […]