Home Health Care: 4 Facts You Need to Know about Strokes
Home Health Care: Strokes are a frightening health issue and can lead to bigger concerns. Strokes are scary but many survive and even recover from strokes.
Home Health Care: Strokes are a frightening health issue and can lead to bigger concerns. Strokes are scary but many survive and even recover from strokes.
Homecare in Dacula GA: Positive Senior Habits Your senior might hear a lot about what she shouldn’t do. Here are some ideas for positive changes.
Caregiver: Routines: Studies show that having a routine can lower stress, help with emotion management, reduce scheduling conflicts, and help you relax.
Homecare: If you’re going to be traveling with a senior that is in a wheelchair, planning in advance can make the difference between an easy or difficult trip.
Homecare: November is National Family Caregivers Month and it’s the best time to think about gift ideas for a family member that is caring for your senior.
Home Care: During every stage of life, staying active is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Seniors may start ignoring this, but home care can help them.
Senior Care: You may be surprised that seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia are drastically impacted socially. They may have a hard time remembering you.
Caregivers: When a senior has prediabetes, it means they will have to follow a diet and pay close attention to their health. Caregivers can help create menus.
Homecare: Bone deterioration is something that many senior citizens think about. As a family caregiver, this may be something that you want to help your elderly loved one to prevent.
Senior Health: Your senior’s dental hygiene habits can help you to learn a lot about her overall health. Remember, October is National Dental Hygiene Month.