Senior Care News

Now What? I think Mom Might be Showing Signs of Dementia

Elder Care in Flowery Branch, GA – How to Convince Siblings that my Mother has Alzheimer’s

“ One Family Caregiver’s Observation in Flowery Branch, GA

Are you in the situation where you suspect Alzheimer’s but your siblings don’t believe you? It’s hard when you are the primary caregiver for your mom. Your siblings might not recognize the symptoms simply because they live farther away or do not spend as much time with her as you do. With different views than yours, how are you supposed to get the help your mother needs? Often, people with dementia can act normal and cover up their deterioration for short periods of time such as talking on the phone with your siblings.

The best thing that you can do is getting your entire family on the same page. You can do this by getting an assessment for your mother from a specialist. Even though it may look like dementia to you, but could be mistaken as a side effect of a certain medication, depression or even a nutritional deficiency. It would be great for your mother to get a geriatric appointment with tests that can determine if she indeed has some type of Alzheimer’s disease or another condition.

Testing Your Senior Parent for Dementia

After you have the results of those tests, you should ask your mom’s doctor to talk with you about the results. You can then share those with your siblings and family. This goes a long way into asking for help and figuring out a family agreement in regards to caring for your mother. Having the truth from a doctor will eliminate any second guessing of your feelings.

If your mother does end up having a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s then make sure that you and your siblings all know what to expect for caregiving and how to handle certain situations. If you aren’t sure you can provide what she needs, you can hire home care for the elderly. A trained caregiver will come to your mother’s home to help her with daily activities and provide balanced meals. This caregiver will be a vital part of your family’s team in caring for her.

Ideas for Joined Caregiving

Here are some ways that you can involve siblings in the sharing of care:

  • Let another sibling take over for 2-3 days for daily tasks while you have a break.
  • Journal throughout the week about what activities and tasks you organize for your mother and keep track of medications, appointments, and other things. Share this list with siblings and ask for them to volunteer for certain tasks.
  • Even if some of your siblings are living farther away, they can still call for appointments, help with paperwork and insurance, or pay bills.

Share the cost of a hired caregiver, if you and your family chooses to do

The caregivers at Home Care Matters are available to talk with you and your family about all of your elder care needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable elder care in Flowery Branch, GA and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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