Senior Care News

Caregiving at an Outing: Tips for Home Care Providers

Home Care in Buford GA

Spring is just around the corner. The rising temperatures make it ideal for birthday parties, barbecues and other Home Care in Buford GAoutdoor gatherings with friends and family. As an in home care provider, you may be tempted to take your client to a neighborhood gathering or an outing with family members, but is it possible? This will likely cause extra work and stress for you as a caregiver, since there are likely limitations that your client will face. However, if you can put everything aside and focus on having a good time, your client will likely appreciate the chance to get out and socialize. Here are some tips for home health care services providers.

Plan Ahead

Talk with the host beforehand and iron out the details. What will be on the menu? Can your client eat any of the items? If not, is it possible for you to bring food for him or her to eat? Ask about the type of seating available. Seniors often require extra support, so a backless chair or picnic table likely won’t do. Ask to bring a sturdy plastic chair with adequate support. If your client requires a wheelchair, is there sufficient room – and flat ground – for maneuvering? Seniors should not be left out in the sun too long, so make sure there is adequate shade. If not, ask to bring a portable umbrella.

On the day of the event, make sure your client is wearing comfortable clothing. This includes sturdy shoes. Dress him or her in layers, since seniors can get too hot or too cold rather quickly. Don’t forget the sunscreen – make sure to apply it to all visible body parts.

At the Outing

When you and your client arrive, find a spot away from the grill and any playing children. If your client has issues with using a restroom or has frequent accidents, find the closest restroom. Keep water readily available, since dehydration is common among seniors. Avoid alcohol and coffee, which can lead to dehydration. If your client has limited mobility, he or she won’t be able to get up and socialize much. Help out your client by having partygoers come over and chat. Finally, watch your client for signs that it’s time to leave. If he or she seems stressed, restless or overheated, it’s time to leave. Don’t be embarrassed to go before the party is over. Your client is your top priority.

The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your home care needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable services in Buford, GA and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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