Senior Care News

It’s Easy to Stay Safe on the Roads, even When Elder Care is in the Equation

Elder Care in Gainesville FL

There are numerous distractions in life. When driving out on the roads, any one of those distractions could Elder Care in Gainesville FLultimately lead to an accident. For seniors, even those who rely on elder care of some kind, it’s important for them to make an honest assessment of their ability to remain safe while out on the roads.

Far too many people drive beyond their abilities. There could be any number of reasons for this, but the most significant could have to do with independence. Being able to drive oneself to the store, to friends’ homes, and other places is a great way to feel as though the person is totally free. They are not beholden to others for transportation of any kind.

Which causes many people to overestimate their ability to drive safely. April is Distracted Driving Month and it’s a good opportunity for everyone, regardless of age, to remain safe on the roads. Even when elder care is required, it is still relatively easy to stay safe when driving.

First, evaluate the abilities and capabilities of the elderly driver. If the senior shows any signs of poor decision-making, difficulty solving problems, or slow reactions, he or she could pose a risk to themselves and other drivers on the road.

Driving too slow can also be a hazard in today’s environment. While driving 5 miles below the speed limit is considered safe and within the letter of the law, the senior could be at risk for causing an accident because of the way other people drive.

Second, have an honest discussion about safe driving. Sitting down and talking about ways to stay safe when out driving on the roads can bring up some valuable topics. It can also give the senior an opportunity to express his or her frustrations, anxieties, and other challenges when he or she is driving on the road.

Third, find alternatives for transportation. A senior may be reluctant to give up his or her license to drive simply because he or she doesn’t want to remain at home all the time.

Sit down and develop a concrete transportation plan. Maybe a different person would be responsible for driving the senior to the store, to doctor’s appointments, to the senior center, or to a friends’ home on a particular day. That can help the senior feel more comfortable giving up his or her right to drive.

The staff at Home Care Matters is available to talk with you and your family about all of your elder care needs. Home Care Matters is a home care agency providing quality and affordable services in Gainesville, GA and the surrounding areas. Call (678) 828-2195 for more information.

Valerie Darling

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